Height: Slow growing native evergreen tree that can get 80 to 260 feet tall.
Habitat: Grows best in well drainging soil in full sun. This conifer usually grows at higher elevations. Likes rainforests and humid cooler temperatures.
Foliage: Dense green needles with two silvery strips on the bottom. Smells citrusy when crushed.
Fruits: Dark almost purple colored oval pine cones.
Bark: Smooth bark that is borrowed at base. With age the bark is gray to almost white.
Natural Habitat: This conifer grows at higher elevation forests on both sides of the Cascade Mountainsin Washington State and from Alaska to California.
Why is it good for my garden? This is a large tree so make sure you have room for it to grow. Beautiful specimen tree that is slow growing and dense.
If you are not seeing the size or quantity you would like for sale here please contact us to see if we can find the right size or amount for you.
For more information please check out the Burke Herbarium link below: