Height: Evergreen shrub that can grow up to 3 ft tall.
Habitat: This shrub prefers to grow in a full sun, dry to well-drained, acidic soil and is highly drought tolerant.
Foliage: Elliptic, hairy, evergreen, gray-green leaves.
Flowers: Clusters of fragrant, white to pinkish urn-shaped flowers bloom April through June, at the ends of branches.
Fruits: Small dark, rust-colored, edible fruits form in August usually; 1⁄4 - 1⁄2 inches in diameter; resembles a somewhat flattened tiny apple from which it derives its name (“manzanita” means “little apple” in Spanish).
Bark: Purplish-red pealing bark that is and is smooth and lustrous underneath.
Natural Habitat: Dry forest openings and rocky slopes west of the Cascades.
Why is it good for my garden? If your garden is dry and sunny, this is a great ornamental evergreen native that easily withstands the stress from city life as much as it does in the wild.
If you are not seeing the size or quantity you would like for sale here please contact us to see if we can find the right size or amount for you.
For more information please check out the Burke Herbarium link below: