Height: This rhizomatous perennial can grow from 3 to 5 ft. tall.
Habitat: Grows best in well drained soil and full to part sun.
Foliage: Alternate, lance shaped, green leaves.
Flowers (Inflorescence): Beautiful spikes of large purple and red flowers with white centers. Blooms May though September.
Fruits: Seed heads break open and a white fluff unfolds with the seed attached. Fluff helps the seed to float in the air.
Natural Habitat: Found most anywhere there is an open area.
Why is it good for my garden? This striking perennial is great for areas that need a large splash of color. This plant adapts to most any area. Bees love this plant and a lot of honey bees use it, makes some of the best honey you will ever taste. If you are planting a pollinator garden this is a must have. Rufous Hummingbirds enjoy eating from these flowers.
If you are not seeing the size or quantity you would like for sale here please contact us to see if we can find the right size or amount for you.
For more information please check out the Burke Herbarium link below: