Height: This perennial grows from 8 to 18 inches tall.
Habitat: Grows best in moist to well drained soil in full to part shade.
Foliage: One stem has 3 oblong, veined, pointed, green leaves. Grow in bunches from ground.
Flowers: White to pink and purple, three, pointed, oblong petals form at the end of leaf stem. Bloom March through June.
Natural Habitat: Found along open forest.
Why is it good for my garden? Trillium with its unique early blooming large flower is a must have for any partly shaded area. Easy to grow once established. From seed this flower takes up to 5 years to actually form a bloom, this is why it seems like it is a hard plant to find, since most nurseries will not sell a plant till it is blooming size.
If you are not seeing the size or quantity you would like for sale here please contact us to see if we can find the right size or amount for you.
For more information please check out the Burke Herbarium link below: